- Reviewer for the Social Choice and Welfare Journal (SCW), the Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems Journal (JAAMAS), the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), the Networks Journal and the Erkenntnis International Journal of Scientific Philosophy.
- Senior PC member for the conference AAMAS (2025).
- PC member for the conferences AAAI (2022, 2021, 2020), AAMAS (2023 - Outstanding PC member, 2022, 2021), ECAI (2024, 2023 - Discussion Master award, 2020), IJCAI (2023, 2022, 2021, 2020), PRIMA (2022), RJCIA (2023, 2022), and for the ESSLLI student session (2020).
- Sub-reviewer for the conferences AAAI (2019), AAMAS (2018), COMSOC (2021), EUMAS (2017), IJCAI (2018), JELIA (2019).
- (2022-now) Co-founder of the European Digital DemocracY (EDDY) network.
- (2023-2024) Member of the MITI CNRS NEGOCLIM project.
- (2019-2020) External member for the ANR SCONE project.
- (2024-now) Member of the Board of the GDR-RADIA in charge of the Young Researchers program.
- (2023-now) Member of the Steering Committee of the Una Europa - Data Science and AI focus area (Paris 1 University).
- (2022-now) International delegate for the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (UFR-27).
- (2023) Chair for the IJCAI-23 video competition.
- (2017-2020, 2022-now) Member of the Association Française pour l'Intelligence Artificielle.
- (2016-2019) Representative of the PhD students in Logic at IRIT.
- (2018) Selected as Young Talent for the Erasmus-Descartes Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
- (2024) Co-organiser of the Workshop on Participatory Budgeting for the 17th Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare.
- (2024) Co-organiser of the 17th Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare.
- (2024) Co-organiser of the 1st Conference of the European Network for Digital Democracy on "Digital Democracy: Bridging Theory and Practice".
- (2022-now) Co-organiser of the MDOD seminar in Discrete Mathematics, Optimization, and Decisions.
- (2019) Organiser of the Workshop in Knowledge Representation and Collective Decision Making.
- Co-organiser of the ADT PhD Day (2021), PhDs in Logic XI (2019), PFIA (2019), ESSLLI (2017), e-Democracy reading group (2016/2017), COMSOC (2016).
- (2016-2019) Co-organiser of the IRIT@UT1 seminar in Computer Science.
- Umberto Grandi (IRIT, Toulouse) and Ulle Endriss (ILLC, Amsterdam)
- Ulle Endriss (ILLC, Amsterdam)
Funding: Short Term Scientific Mission grant from the COST Action CA 16228 GAMENET. - Sébastien Konieczny and Pierre Marquis (CRIL, Lens)
Funding: Grant from the French AI Research Group (GDR-IA) program Visites de Doctorants.